Hire Me to help you

Create a free portfolio website like Head.ai

About this service

Engagement Types

How It Works

Host for Free, Use AI to Build Portfolio, and Get Free Marketing

  1. Visit Showspace.so
  2. Create your first project
  3. Round off your portfolio design
  4. Bonus: Schedule a time with me for free portfolio advice

Host Your Own Site for ~$300/yr on Webflow

  1. Inquire with me here on this form.
  2. I'll send you instructions on how to access the template and set up a simple first version to get launched quickly.


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For Webflow Template Creation

Why is it free? What's the catch.

There's actually no catch here! Building this template for myself is a passion project. One of my missions in life is to help as many people freelance as possible. Letting you use my template here to help you get started takes little-to-no effort on my part, so I'm happy to help!

All I ask is that you keep my attribution text at the bottom of the website. Then others interested in freelancing can get a free site for themselves and know that they can follow me for tips.

How hard will this be to get setup?

If you've built a website before on your own on something like Squarespace or Wordpress, this Webflow template should be straightforward. So hopefully an hour or two in this instance. If you never have but are comfortable learning new technology, then I would budget 3-4 to be on the safe side. If you're not as comfortable with new technology, then 5+ hours.

If you want me to connect you with a web designer to do this for you, then you'd only need to spend about an hour to write an About bio and add a portfolio item to launch the first version.

How much will it cost to hire someone to set this up for me?

I can connect you with trusted freelancers of mine who can do it for $100 or less. They should be able to have it ready for your copy to add in under a week.


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Showspace: Build a free portfolio website with AI
© 2023 Head.ai | Site Built in Webflow