A tool for clients to find freelancers to hire, with a matchmaking and budget recommendation feature that live-updates while clients fill out their project briefs.
Existing tools did a bad job at tracking a large volume of in-progress orders. So we built an internal tool to show the live progress of each client request.
A tool for freelancers to gauge economic opportunity across granular dimensions like skills, client types, and more. Also features competitive intel like rates and project lengths.
Hire a freelancer to solve any problem via screen-share. Pay by-the-minute. Served 3,000+ clients across 72 service verticals including design, engineering, analytics, and more.
I can help you build Retool apps in the form of internal tools, as well as MVPs for consumer-facing applications. I've used Retool since 2017 at my startup Sixty, at Lambda School, for VC-backed client companies, and at Laskie.
Programmatic landing pages have the potential to generate millions of free unique visitors over the life of your startup. I led a campaign at Sixty that saw 20-30% WoW growth over many months. I can help you strategize and implement a strategy here.
Having a more quicker and effective no-code to code migration plan can save you anywhere from tens of thousands to millions of dollars, based on your scale. I migrated multiple MVPs at my startup and helped Lambda School and other VC-backed startups do the same.
Whether you're trying to do automate matchmaking, or build a way to predict pricing, you may be able to build v1 in a Google Sheet. At my startup, I built an MVP for both of these algorithms in a Google Sheet. I've also consulted for other startups doing the same.
I can help you get more exponential user growth out of your no-code tool. I built multiple no-code MVPs at my startup Sixty, most of which scaled to the limits of the technology. We had to get creative to go further. I've also helped multiple VC-backed startups do the same.
I can help you build your no code MVP to prove your concept, with a scalability plan for when you get traction. I built multiple successful no-code MVPs at my startup, Sixty, that grew to the limits of what the technology could support.