A tool for clients to find freelancers to hire, with a matchmaking and budget recommendation feature that live-updates while clients fill out their project briefs.
Ops team members view up to 50 student records a day. Before SMV, each record took 10 minutes to cobble together across slow spreadsheets. Now the data is instantly available.
Existing tools did a bad job at tracking a large volume of in-progress orders. So we built an internal tool to show the live progress of each client request.
A tool for freelancers to gauge economic opportunity across granular dimensions like skills, client types, and more. Also features competitive intel like rates and project lengths.
Hire a freelancer to solve any problem via screen-share. Pay by-the-minute. Served 3,000+ clients across 72 service verticals including design, engineering, analytics, and more.
Programmatic landing pages have the potential to generate millions of free unique visitors over the life of your startup. I led a campaign at Sixty that saw 20-30% WoW growth over many months. I can help you strategize and implement a strategy here.
Having a more quicker and effective no-code to code migration plan can save you anywhere from tens of thousands to millions of dollars, based on your scale. I migrated multiple MVPs at my startup and helped Lambda School and other VC-backed startups do the same.
Whether you're trying to do automate matchmaking, or build a way to predict pricing, you may be able to build v1 in a Google Sheet. At my startup, I built an MVP for both of these algorithms in a Google Sheet. I've also consulted for other startups doing the same.
I can help you get more exponential user growth out of your no-code tool. I built multiple no-code MVPs at my startup Sixty, most of which scaled to the limits of the technology. We had to get creative to go further. I've also helped multiple VC-backed startups do the same.
I can help you build your no code MVP to prove your concept, with a scalability plan for when you get traction. I built multiple successful no-code MVPs at my startup, Sixty, that grew to the limits of what the technology could support.
I love marketplace startups. The ability to support hundreds of millions of users through a platform is one of the coolest aspects of the softare revolution. I've built two marketplace startups from the ground up. I can help you launch and grow yours.
With the ability to run apps with millions of database rows, Betty Blocks is one of the most scalable no-code platforms. David interviews Chris about building for the enterprise.
Peter built his freelance marketplace MVP on Airtable and Zapier, then quickly hired a CTO to smoothly transition to a no-code and code hybrid solution.
Michael Gill, CTO at GPS Trackit, uses the low-code tool Clutch for all frontend development. He covers how he convinced his engineering team to take this path, and what was the result.
All of Lambda School's engineers were teaching class, so they got creative and used no-code tools to scale the school. The tech stack lasted up to ~125 employees, which is likely a no-code record.
Uber had 1,000+ no-code websites – one for city the operated in. Jason built a clone-able Squarespace template to quickly consolidate them, then re-built that with React and various back end services.
Predict when your no-code stack will hit it's limit. Learn about the limitations of infrastructure, features, professional community, and collaboration tools.
Now you can build a web app without writing code. But how does that work? The main pieces of a no-code app (as it's called) are the frontend, database, and APIs.
After discovering Bubble as a student at Harvard, Vlad co-founded AirDev in 2015 and grew it into one of the top no-code web development agencies, serving hundreds of clients and counting.
The decision to do it on our own or hire someone can be difficult. Especially when you've never hired a designer. This post will walk you through how to intelligently make the decision.
An introduction on how to build your website live with a professional via screen share. Save 75% or more, launch this week, and learn how to maintain it on your own.